Still Mind, an artist's guide.

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11 Ways To Calm Down (Quickly) in 2020

If there’s one thing that years of life, study, and therapy has taught me, it’s that I have the power and responsibility to shift my negative energy at any time.

I can’t control the triggers, but I can direct my response. Sometimes the simpler, the better.

Here are 11 short tips I’m using right now to reclaim my calm:

  1. Breathe deeply. Inhale (4 seconds). Hold (4 seconds). Exhale (4 seconds). Repeat.

  2. Queue up a song or radio station from a bygone era. Think VHS tapes, mom and dad’s music, cleaning the house on a Saturday morning…adult contemporary-soft rock-smooth jazz realness.

  3. Donate to a cause or person in need, be it $5 or $50. It could be as easy as app-switching from Instagram to Venmo. Generosity is generative (what goes around, comes back around).

  4. Take an internet inspiration trip to your favorite museum or music festival via YouTube.

  5. Experiment with a guided meditation.

  6. Put something on your calendar to look forward to - like a live-streamed DJ set, virtual 1:1 with friends, or a date with yourself to eat noodles over the sink while no one’s watching.

  7. Call someone you know and ask, “what’s your favorite thing that happened today?

  8. Micro-journal. Without judgment, set a timer for five minutes and free-write the first thing that comes to mind. If it gets a little dark, switch gears and write 3 things you accomplished today (rolling out of bed and getting dressed counts).

  9. Stretch your limbs. Lift something. Hold a plank. Do a pushup.

  10. Practice single-tasking by taking the same “wax-on, wax-off” method you have while washing dishes and applying it to something else. Endeavor to keep just one (1) tab open at a time.

  11. When in doubt, back to basics. Scroll some images that make you smile, and get to know your favorite feel-good ABCs (animals, babies, and cartoons).

What other quick-service methods have you been using to handle the heaviness this season?

Let me know via comment, mail, or message.